Trademark classification


当前位置: 首页 >商标分类>第6类 金属材料

第6类 金属材料


【注释】"第六类主要包括未加工的和半加工的普通金属,以及这些金属的简单制品。 本类尤其不包括: ——铝土(第一类); ——汞,锑,碱金属和碱土金属(第一类); ——画家、装饰家、印刷商和艺术家用金属箔及金属粉(第二类)。"

编号 所属类别 商品编号 商品/服务名称 英文名称 备注
1 第6类 金属材料 006-1278 金属制屋面覆盖层 Roof coverings of metal
2 第6类 金属材料 006-1275 金属制铁路枕木/轨枕 Railway sleepers of metal Railway sleepers (British English) are synonymous with railroad ties (American English) and are the rectangular supports laid beneath and perpendicular to the rails for load transfer and positioning functions. These goods are classified according to material composition, metal in Class 6, and non-metal in Class 19.
3 第6类 金属材料 006-1276 机器传动带用金属加固/增强材料 Reinforcing materials of metal for machine belts
4 第6类 金属材料 006-1272 "混凝土用金属增强材料 注解:例如,钢筋" Reinforcing materials, of metal, for concrete
5 第6类 金属材料 006-1277 管道用金属增强材料 Reinforcing materials of metal for pipes
6 第6类 金属材料 006-1271 金属绳套环 Rope thimbles of metal Rope thimbles are grooved rings or loops of metal used on ropes to prevent chafing.
7 第6类 金属材料 006-1280 金属密封盖 Sealing caps of metal
8 第6类 金属材料 006-1269 硅铁 Silicon iron Silicon iron is a metal alloy of iron and silicon and appears in the Nice Alphabetical List in Class 6.
9 第6类 金属材料 006-1279 (屋檐的)金属制雨水槽,檐槽,天沟 Roof gutters of metal
10 第6类 金属材料 006-1265 未锻或半锻钢 Steel, unwrought or semi-wrought
11 第6类 金属材料 006-1380 普通金属制奖杯,作为奖品 Trophies of common metal for use as awards The term “awards” is indefinite and overbroad, and the nature of the awards must be indicated for both likelihood of confusion and classification purposes. In this case, the awards are in the nature of trophies of common metal, and trophies are classified according to material composition under USPTO ID policy. Therefore, “Trophies of common metal for use as awards” are in Class 6 based on the material composition of the goods. The purpose of the trophies, “for use as awards,” does not determine classification of the goods.
12 第6类 金属材料 006-1379 普通金属制匾牌,用作奖品 Plaques of common metal for use as awards The term “awards” is indefinite and overbroad, and the nature of the awards must be indicated for both likelihood of confusion and classification purposes. In this case, the awards are in the nature of plaques of common metal, and plaques are classified according to material composition under USPTO ID policy. Therefore, “Plaques of common metal for use as awards” are in Class 6 based on the material composition of the goods. The purpose of the plaques, “for use as awards,” does not determine classification of the goods.
13 第6类 金属材料 006-1377 预制的铝制通风管道,安装于住宅和商业中的车库门 Prefabricated aluminum ventilating ducts for installation in residential and commercial garage doors
14 第6类 金属材料 006-1376 金属脚手架 Scaffolding of metal
15 第6类 金属材料 006-1374 钢带 Steel strip
16 第6类 金属材料 006-1372 金属包装或捆扎带 Wrapping or binding bands of metal
17 第6类 金属材料 006-1367 "金属楼梯 注解:Staircases,指建筑物内通常带有扶手的楼梯。" Staircases of metal
18 第6类 金属材料 006-1364 "金属窗挡 注解:Window stops,把窗扇固定在窗框上的窄条" Window stops of metal
19 第6类 金属材料 006-1359 钢丝绳 Wire rope
20 第6类 金属材料 006-1358 金属制塔式脚手架 Scaffolding towers of metal

















