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第36类 金融物管


【注释】第三十六类主要包括金融业务和货币业务提供的服务以及与各种保险契约有关的服务。 本类尤其包括: ——与金融业务和货币业务有关的服务,即: (1)银行及其有关的机构的服务,如外汇经纪人或清算机构; (2)不属于银行的信贷部门的服务,如信贷合作社团、私人金融公司、放款人等的服务; (3)控股公司的“投资信托”服务; (4)股票及财产经纪人的服务; (5)与承受信用代理人担保的货币业务有关的服务; (6)与发行旅行支票和信用证有关的服务; ——融资租赁服务 ——不动产管理人对建筑物的服务,如租赁、估价或筹措资金的服务; ——与保险有关的服务,如保险代理人或经纪人提供的服务,为被保险人和承保人提供的服务。

编号 所属类别 商品编号 商品/服务名称 英文名称 备注
1 第36类 金融物管 036-475 慈善机构通过收集和赎回可回收款项予慈善机构的慈善筹款服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of collecting and redeeming recyclables for donation of redemption proceeds to charitable organizations
2 第36类 金融物管 036-475 慈善机构通过收集和赎回可回收款项予慈善机构的慈善筹款服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of collecting and redeeming recyclables for donation of redemption proceeds to charitable organizations
3 第36类 金融物管 036-480 收集和倒卖旧汽车的慈善募捐服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of collecting and reselling used automobiles
4 第36类 金融物管 036-1056 慈善募捐服务,是在收集、管理和支付与儿童福利项目和设施有关的资金领域中开展的服务性服务 Charitable fundraising services, by means of eleemosynary services in the field of collection, management, and disbursements of money in connection with programs and facilities for the welfare of children On 12-13-2012, this 02-07-2008 entry was modified from “Ch More >
5 第36类 金融物管 036-495 通过音乐会进行慈善筹款活动 Charitable fundraising services by means of musical concerts
6 第36类 金融物管 036-1060 慈善筹款服务,通过组织和举办筹款活动来鼓励校际体育项目 Charitable fundraising services, by means of organizing and conducting fundraising events to encourage intercollegiate athletic programs On 12-13-2012 this 06-12-2008 entry was modified from “Cha More >
7 第36类 金融物管 036-1025 慈善筹款服务,通过组织和开展筹款食品品尝活动 Charitable fundraising services, by means of organizing and conducting fundraising food tasting events On 07-01-2011 this 02-26-2009 entry was modified from “Cha More >
8 第36类 金融物管 036-990 慈善筹款服务,通过组织和举办以食物和葡萄酒为主题的音乐娱乐活动 Charitable fundraising services, by means of organizing and conducting musical entertainment events featuring food and wine On 07-01-2011 this 04-02-2009 entry was modified from “Cha More >
9 第36类 金融物管 036-905 通过组织和开展项目来促进对树木和环境保护的认识,开展慈善募捐活动 Charitable fundraising services by means of organizing and conducting projects to promote awareness of tree and environmental conservation On 07-01-2011 this 04-02-2009 entry was modified from “Cha More >
10 第36类 金融物管 036-812 通过组织和举办特别活动的方式开展慈善募捐活动 Charitable fundraising services by means of organizing and conducting special events 12-10-09 - to be consistent with other entries for charita More >
11 第36类 金融物管 036-1055 慈善筹款服务,通过向个人提供信息和机会向他们最喜爱的慈善机构捐款 Charitable fundraising services, by means of providing individuals with the information and opportunity to make monetary donations to their favorite charity On 12-13-2012 this 10-11-2007 entry was modified from “Cha More >
12 第36类 金融物管 036-1059 慈善募捐服务,为高校教育经费筹措经费 Charitable fundraising services, by means of raising funds for college education costs On 12-13-2012 this 02-21-2008 entry was modified from “Cha More >
13 第36类 金融物管 036-866 通过跑步和步行活动筹措资金的慈善服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of running and walking events
14 第36类 金融物管 036-1181 在旧货商店销售商品的慈善募捐服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of selling goods in thrift stores
15 第36类 金融物管 036-950 通过销售商品筹集资金的慈善募捐服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of selling goods to raise funds
16 第36类 金融物管 036-949 通过销售商品筹集资金的慈善募捐服务; Charitable fundraising services by means of selling goods to raise funds for {indicate subject matter or field}
17 第36类 金融物管 036-813 慈善筹款服务通过销售{指定商品,例如 T恤,CD}为{表示主题或领域}筹集资金 Charitable fundraising services by means of selling {specify goods, e.g. t-shirts, CDs} to raise funds for {indicate subject matter or field}
18 第36类 金融物管 036-1058 慈善筹款服务,通过与非营利组织分享报纸订阅销售的利润 Charitable fundraising services, by means of sharing profits from newspaper subscription sales with not-for-profit organizations On 12-13-2012 this 07-01-2001 entry was modified from “Cha More >
19 第36类 金融物管 036-987 慈善筹款服务,通过指定的活动类型,例如,瑜伽活动,出售商品来筹集资金等等。 Charitable fundraising services by means of {specify type of event, e.g., a yoga event, selling goods to raise funds, etc.}
20 第36类 金融物管 036-555 通过固定自行车赛进行慈善筹款服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of stationary bicycle races

















