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第36类 金融物管


【注释】第三十六类主要包括金融业务和货币业务提供的服务以及与各种保险契约有关的服务。 本类尤其包括: ——与金融业务和货币业务有关的服务,即: (1)银行及其有关的机构的服务,如外汇经纪人或清算机构; (2)不属于银行的信贷部门的服务,如信贷合作社团、私人金融公司、放款人等的服务; (3)控股公司的“投资信托”服务; (4)股票及财产经纪人的服务; (5)与承受信用代理人担保的货币业务有关的服务; (6)与发行旅行支票和信用证有关的服务; ——融资租赁服务 ——不动产管理人对建筑物的服务,如租赁、估价或筹措资金的服务; ——与保险有关的服务,如保险代理人或经纪人提供的服务,为被保险人和承保人提供的服务。

编号 所属类别 商品编号 商品/服务名称 英文名称 备注
1 第36类 金融物管 036-81 信用卡换现金 Cash replacement rendered by credit card
2 第36类 金融物管 036-1057 退费恢复服务 Chargeback recovery services
3 第36类 金融物管 036-590 收费卡和信用卡支付处理服务 Charge card and credit card payment processing services On 01-01-2016, this 11-22-2007 entry was modified to add “ More >
4 第36类 金融物管 036-967 慈善基金服务,即为他人的项目和服务提供财政援助 Charitable foundation services, namely, providing financial assistance for programs and services of others
5 第36类 金融物管 036-1088 慈善基金会的服务,即提供财政支持,{以指示预期的收件人,例如家庭、无家可归者、退伍军人等。}{指示目的,例如,他们的宠物的兽医照管,支付公用事业账单,获得药物等。} Charitable foundation services, namely, providing financial support to {indicate intended recipients, e.g., families, the homeless, veterans, etc.} for {indicate purpose, e.g., veterinary care of their pets, payment of utility bills, obtaining medications, etc.} The services of providing financial support are equivalent More >
6 第36类 金融物管 036-617 慈善基金会的服务,即为在假日期间寻求与家人团聚但不能受财政约束的个人提供财政支持。 Charitable foundation services, namely, providing financial support to individuals who are seeking to be with family during the holidays but are unable due to financial constraints 3-28-2013. The services of providing financial support are More >
7 第36类 金融物管 036-759 慈善基金服务,即提供筹款活动和投资管理服务,以支持有需要的人的医学教育和研究和程序。 Charitable foundation services, namely, providing fundraising activities and investment management services to support medical education and research and procedures for those in need 10-03-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” example.
8 第36类 金融物管 036-1016 慈善基金会服务,即提供筹款活动、资助、奖学金和/或财政援助,{以表示资助活动和/或资助者的目的} Charitable foundation services, namely, providing fundraising activities, funding, scholarships and/or financial assistance for {indicate purpose of the activities and/or recipients of funding}
9 第36类 金融物管 036-787 慈善基金服务,即提供筹款活动、补充资金、资本改善资金、奖学金和其他项目和服务的财政援助。 Charitable foundation services, namely, providing fundraising activities, supplemental funding, capital improvement funding, scholarships and financial assistance for programs and services of others 10-03-2013: Entry status changed from “A” added to “X” example.
10 第36类 金融物管 036-678 慈善基金会,即提供筹款活动,支持有需要者的医学研究和程序。 Charitable foundation services, namely, providing fundraising activities to support medical research and procedures for those in need
11 第36类 金融物管 036-429 慈善募捐 Charitable fundraising
12 第36类 金融物管 036-801 为脊髓损伤、脑损伤和神经障碍寻找治疗方法的慈善筹款和融资研究 Charitable fundraising and financing research for finding a cure for spinal cord injuries, brain injuries and neurological disorders
13 第36类 金融物管 036-798 通过进行图书驱动的慈善筹款活动,这些书后来被出售,并将其捐赠给慈善机构 Charitable fundraising by means of conducting book drives wherein the books are later sold and proceeds donated to charity
14 第36类 金融物管 036-1127 通过将客户费用的一部分引导给顾客选择的慈善机构进行慈善募捐 Charitable fundraising by means of directing a portion of a customer's fees to a charity of the customer's choice
15 第36类 金融物管 036-472 在灾害预防和预防方面进行慈善筹款 Charitable fundraising in view of disaster precautions and prevention
16 第36类 金融物管 036-587 慈善募捐服务 Charitable fundraising services
17 第36类 金融物管 036-526 保龄球活动慈善募捐服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of a bowling event
18 第36类 金融物管 036-771 高尔夫球活动的慈善筹款服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of a golf event
19 第36类 金融物管 036-543 娱乐活动慈善募捐服务 Charitable fundraising services by means of an entertainment event
20 第36类 金融物管 036-1051 慈善募捐服务,是指捐助者搜索并向特定慈善机构或项目捐款,{指定活动和/或接受者资金的目的,例如帮助动物、保护野生动物等。} Charitable fundraising services by means of a website where donors search for and make monetary donations to specific charities or projects aimed at {indicate purpose of the activities and/or recipients of funding, e.g., helping animals, conserving wildlife, etc.}

















