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第36类 金融物管


【注释】第三十六类主要包括金融业务和货币业务提供的服务以及与各种保险契约有关的服务。 本类尤其包括: ——与金融业务和货币业务有关的服务,即: (1)银行及其有关的机构的服务,如外汇经纪人或清算机构; (2)不属于银行的信贷部门的服务,如信贷合作社团、私人金融公司、放款人等的服务; (3)控股公司的“投资信托”服务; (4)股票及财产经纪人的服务; (5)与承受信用代理人担保的货币业务有关的服务; (6)与发行旅行支票和信用证有关的服务; ——融资租赁服务 ——不动产管理人对建筑物的服务,如租赁、估价或筹措资金的服务; ——与保险有关的服务,如保险代理人或经纪人提供的服务,为被保险人和承保人提供的服务。

编号 所属类别 商品编号 商品/服务名称 英文名称 备注
1 第36类 金融物管 036-1223 通过支付服务提供的指定方式如,手机应用,一个网址等,提供借记卡交易处理服务 Debit card transaction processing services provided via {indicate the method by which the services are offered, e.g., mobile applications, a website, etc.} Debit card transaction processing services is acceptable; further specification is also acceptable, but it is not required.
2 第36类 金融物管 036-252 能源经纪服务 Energy brokerage services
3 第36类 金融物管 036-1225 通过支付服务提供的指定方式如,手机应用,一个网址等,提供自动票据交换所交易处理服务 Automated Clearing House (ACH) transaction processing services provided via {indicate the method by which the services are offered, e.g., mobile applications, a website, etc.} Automated Clearing House (ACH) transaction processing services is acceptable; further specification is also acceptable, but it is not required.
4 第36类 金融物管 036-527 马术研究鉴定 Equine appraisals
5 第36类 金融物管 036-1224 自动票据交换所交易处理服务 Automated Clearing House (ACH) transaction processing services
6 第36类 金融物管 036-207 设备融资服务 Equipment financing services
7 第36类 金融物管 036-1222 借记卡交易处理服务 Debit card transaction processing services
8 第36类 金融物管 036-394 企业设备维修索赔服务 Equipment maintenance claims payment service for business
9 第36类 金融物管 036-1220 通过支付服务提供的指定方式如,手机应用,一个网址等,提供账单支付服务 Bill payment services provided via {indicate the method by which the payment services are offered, e.g., mobile applications, a website, etc.} Bill payment services is acceptable wording; further specification is acceptable but is not required.
10 第36类 金融物管 036-1219 加密货币支付处理 Cryptocurrency payment processing
11 第36类 金融物管 036-345 权益资本投资 Equity capital investment
12 第36类 金融物管 036-1221 通过支付服务提供的指定方式如,手机应用、一个网址等,提供信用卡交易处理服务 Credit card transaction processing services provided via {indicate the method by which the services are offered, e.g., mobile applications, a website, etc.} Credit card transaction processing services is acceptable; further specification is also acceptable, but it is not required.
13 第36类 金融物管 036-1001 旅游业代管服务 Escrow services for the travel industry 11-10-2011: While this wording is still acceptable, the 10 More >
14 第36类 金融物管 036-1206 维护抵押贷款质押账户 Maintaining mortgage impound accounts “Maintaining mortgage impound accounts” is synonymous with “maintaining mortgage escrow accounts.”
15 第36类 金融物管 036-253 为他人设立共同基金 Establishing mutual funds for others
16 第36类 金融物管 036-1218 指定房地产类型如,商业地产等的房地产经纪 Real estate brokerage of {indicate type of real estate, e.g., commercial properties, etc.} Real estate brokerage is acceptable wording; further specification is acceptable, but it is not required.
17 第36类 金融物管 036-130 财产规划 Estate planning
18 第36类 金融物管 036-1216 具有指定性质如,公寓、居民房屋等的房产租赁 Rental of real estate in the nature of {indicate, e.g., apartments, residential housing, etc.} Rental of real estate is acceptable wording; further specification is acceptable, but it is not required.
19 第36类 金融物管 036-439 房地产信托管理 Estate trust management
20 第36类 金融物管 036-1217 具有指定性质如,公寓、办公场地等的房产租赁 Leasing of real estate in the nature of {indicate, e.g., apartments, office space, etc.} Leasing of real estate is acceptable wording; further specification is acceptable, but it is not required.

















