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第36类 金融物管


【注释】第三十六类主要包括金融业务和货币业务提供的服务以及与各种保险契约有关的服务。 本类尤其包括: ——与金融业务和货币业务有关的服务,即: (1)银行及其有关的机构的服务,如外汇经纪人或清算机构; (2)不属于银行的信贷部门的服务,如信贷合作社团、私人金融公司、放款人等的服务; (3)控股公司的“投资信托”服务; (4)股票及财产经纪人的服务; (5)与承受信用代理人担保的货币业务有关的服务; (6)与发行旅行支票和信用证有关的服务; ——融资租赁服务 ——不动产管理人对建筑物的服务,如租赁、估价或筹措资金的服务; ——与保险有关的服务,如保险代理人或经纪人提供的服务,为被保险人和承保人提供的服务。

编号 所属类别 商品编号 商品/服务名称 英文名称 备注
1 第36类 金融物管 036-1124 慈善筹款服务的目的或目的,例如,将残疾儿童和青少年送到夏令营等。 Charitable fundraising services for {indicate cause or purpose, e.g., sending children and young adults with disabilities to a summer camp, etc.} 04-17-2014: This entry of 12-10-2009 was modified to accom More >
2 第36类 金融物管 036-948 为促进研究、教育和其他与指定领域或主题有关的活动而提供的慈善募捐服务 Charitable fundraising services for promoting research, education and other activities relating to {indicate field or subject matter}
3 第36类 金融物管 036-1011 慈善筹款服务,将贫困儿童送到美国各地的几个营地之一,接受这些儿童的优惠利率,为期一个或几个星期。 Charitable fundraising services for sending underprivileged children to one of several camps around the United States which accept these children at discounted rates for one or more weeks 04-17-2014: Acceptable entry status changed from “A” added More >
4 第36类 金融物管 036-1070 慈善募捐服务,利用CD的收益,向美国的疾病和灾难受害者提供食物,毛毯,住所,其他救济物资,血液和财政援助 Charitable fundraising services using proceeds from CDs, to provide food, blankets, shelter, other relief materials, blood, and financial assistance to victims of diseases and disasters in the United States
5 第36类 金融物管 036-960 慈善募捐以支持{表明活动的目的和/或资助接受者} Charitable fundraising to support {indicate purpose of the activities and/or recipients of funding}
6 第36类 金融物管 036-1061 慈善服务,即通过为{指示活动的目的,主题或资金接受者(例如帮助动物,弱势儿童等)组织特别活动筹集资金服务} Charitable services, namely, fundraising services by means of organizing special events for {indicate purpose of activities, subject matter or recipient of funds, e.g., helping animals, disadvantaged children, etc.} On 12-13-2012 this 10-29-2009 entry was modified from “Cha More >
7 第36类 金融物管 036-509 慈善服务,即向学校提供资金 Charitable services, namely, granting funds to schools
8 第36类 金融物管 036-999 慈善服务,即向弱势人群提供财政援助,用于{指明援助目的,如食物,租金,医疗保健等} Charitable services, namely, providing financial assistance in the form of vouchers to disadvantaged persons for {indicate purpose of assistance, e.g., food, rent, health care, etc.}
9 第36类 金融物管 036-998 慈善服务,即为处于不利地位的人提供财政援助{指明援助目的,如食物,租金,医疗保健等} Charitable services, namely, providing financial assistance to disadvantaged persons for {indicate purpose of assistance, e.g., food, rent, health care, etc.}
10 第36类 金融物管 036-682 慈善服务,即提供财务援助以满足儿童的身体,心理,社会和其他特殊需求 Charitable services, namely, providing financial assistance to meet the physical, psychological, social and other special needs of children
11 第36类 金融物管 036-875 慈善服务,即提供财政援助以满足残疾人的身体,心理,社会和其他特殊需求 Charitable services, namely, providing financial assistance to meet the physical, psychological, social and other special needs of disabled persons
12 第36类 金融物管 036-1091 慈善服务,即为特定事件或活动提供资金赞助 Charitable services, namely, providing financial sponsorship of {indicate specific event or activity} 05-02-2013 - Please note that sponsorship alone is an inde More >
13 第36类 金融物管 036-945 慈善服务,即为促进健康,健康和经济发展的目的,向美国和其他国家的弱势人士提供财政支持 Charitable services, namely, providing financial support to disadvantaged individuals in the United States and other countries for the purpose of facilitating health, wellness and economic development 3-28-2013. The services of providing financial support are More >
14 第36类 金融物管 036-756 慈善服务,即为促进身体健康而向弱势患者提供财务支持 Charitable services, namely, providing financial support to disadvantaged patients for the purpose of facilitating good health 3-28-2013. The services of providing financial support are More >
15 第36类 金融物管 036-551 慈善服务,即为帮助弱势国家的人提供财政支持,以促进教育机会 Charitable services, namely, providing financial support to people from disadvantaged countries for the purpose of facilitating educational opportunities 3-28-2013. The services of providing financial support are More >
16 第36类 金融物管 036-1097 慈善服务,即为有需要的人提供办公空间 Charitable services, namely, providing office space to those in need On 06-20-2013, this 07-01-2004 entry was modified by repla More >
17 第36类 金融物管 036-670 慈善服务,即通过促销和/或奖励为动物福利组织募集资金 Charitable services, namely, raising money for animal welfare organizations through promotions and/or incentives
18 第36类 金融物管 036-1040 验收服务 Check acceptance services
19 第36类 金融物管 036-83 检查兑现 Check cashing
20 第36类 金融物管 036-200 检查帐户服务 Checking account services

















